Self Stretching Exercise Workshop 香港で足助体操を体験してみよう!

<Date & Time> Tuesday 24th May (1)10.30-12.30,(2) 14.30-16.30,and lunch with teacher (Optional)

<Venue> Queen Elizabeth Stadium, Function Room 1 

Address: 18 Oi Kwan Rd, Wan Chai


↓Evening session has been amended the time and venue as follows;

<Date&Time> Tuesday 24th May (3)21.00-22.30pm 

<Venue> Shine Body & Soul Healing Center, C5, 2/F, Block C, Paterson Bldg, 37 Paterson St, Causeway Bay, HK

<Participation Fee> Please choose one from options


HK$250 for each (1) or (2) session

HK$380 for (1) or (2) session with lunch

HK$580(1) and (2) with lunch (discounted)


HK$200(3) (21.00-22.30pm at Shine Body & Soul Healing Center, C5, 2/F, Block C, Paterson Bldg, 47 Paterson St, CWB, HK)

↑The number of participants are very limited, we would send individual confirmation email to you after you sent the registration form below.


<What to bring?> Yoga Mat, Loose comfortable outfit (Skirt, Jeans, Shorts are not allowed), Long Hand Towel for leg stretching (Longer is better), Water for drink


**Terms and Conditions**

Please send the form below for registration, confirmation will be made after receiving your payment. Please register ASAP as the seats are limited. The fee you paid is non-refundable, however, if you let us know about your cancellation before the commence date, you can use the amount which deducted cancellation fee for other menus in Shine Body & Soul. 


<日時>2016年5月24日(火)(1)10時半~12時半 (2)14時半~16時半 懇親会(米澤先生とのランチ12.30-14.00)を予定しています。(オプション)

<開催場所>クイーンエリザベス体育館(湾仔)Function Room 1 住所:18 Oi Kwan Rd、Wan Chai





<場所>心耀堂、C5, 2/F, Block C, Paterson Bldg, 37 Paterson St, Causeway Bay, HK






④HK$200(21.00-22.30pm 場所は心耀堂、銅鑼湾にて)





**Term & Conditions** 注意事項



Teacher Yonezawa Sensei will come back to Hong Kong again in May, come and experience Asuke Stretching movement together!

This self stretching (Asuke Taisou in Japanese) is uniquely designed for anybody who care about the health in body and mind.

We recommend especially if you have following conditions;


*I want to improve qi (energy), blood, lymphs node circulation of the body.

*I want to improve digestion problem, constipation, loose stool, gas in tummy feeling etc

*I want to get my body cells lively (Anti-aging!!)

*I want to improve self healing ability for health

*I want to move body for exercise but rarely do because I easily exhausted, lack of energy.


【What is Asuke Stretching Movement (足助体操)? 】

Asuke Exercise is the exercise which starts from we can lie down on the floor and move arms and legs slowly, twist ankles. This Asuke Exercise was established by one Japanese man, Asuke Jirou (1901-1986), who strongly wished to get up after he suffered about 60 different types of disease such as spiral caries, intestinal obstruction and so on...


...You will know more about this movement, if you join this workshop!

Only one time in HK with teacher Yonezawa sensei who directly studied this stretching from Mrs Asuke (Founder's wife) who rested in peace last December.



<Guest Teacher>Ms Yonezawa Noriko

Born in Kobe city, Hyogo prefecture

Graduate Tenri University PE deparment in 1980. Taught Asuke-taisou (Original name of stretching) in sports center, school. She is authorized leading teacher from Asuke Medical Exercise Association in Osaka Japan.

When she met this Asuke exercise at the first time she felt great energy by doing this exercise so she noticed this is not the usual exercise she knew. She believes this exercise can let us produce more energy from our body deep inside by approaching different movement our self. She decided to study to Mrs Asuke Teruko from that time til now.

<Organizer> Ms Sasaki Satoe 

Born in Tokyo, lives in Hong Kong. Owner of Shine Body & Soul Healing Center

When I was reading Japanese Reiki book, I found this Asuke Exercise in this book. I thought it is good idea for me and my father to try this exercise because I found some information it is for medical purpose. Unfortunately my father died in cancer and we couldn't try it together. About 1 year later, I found the teacher who teaches Asuke exercise then I tried, I realized this exercise can make our energy flow better. This is first time for me to experience such a wonderful exercise as my shoulder stiff pain had just gone after single one session! I really love this exercise and continue to practice it here in HK with other members who think the same way with me.

'I simply hope more people feel benefit of this movement and feel better!'

























卒業後、スポーツクラブ、学校等で体操の指導。現在は、一般財団法人 大阪漢方医学振興財団 足助式医療體操協会 認定指導講師として、日本各地で指導。足助式医療體操に出会った時、ただの体操ではないと直感。自らが進んで体を動かすことでしか得られない体の奥から沸き起こる心地よいエネルギーが、心身の調和に繋がると確信し、もっと深く学びたいとの重いから長年、足助照子先生に師事する。


<主催者>笹木 里絵

東京生まれ、香港在住 心耀堂オーナー




Registration Form

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.

Shine Body & Soul Healing Center | 心耀堂


Address: C5, 2/F, Block C, Paterson Bldg, 37 Paterson St, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

Email: Phone 3689-7116 What'sapp 60194671